All you need to know about penalty shootouts
2 min read
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Penalty shootouts are a method used to determine the winner of a football (soccer) match when the score is tied after regular playing time and any extra time. Here’s what you need to know about penalty shootouts:
- Format: In a penalty shootout, each team takes turns attempting to score a goal from the penalty spot, which is located 12 yards (11 meters) away from the goal line. The shootout typically follows a prescribed format of five penalty kicks per team, and if the score remains tied, it goes into a sudden-death format.
- Coin Toss: Before the shootout, a coin toss determines which team goes first. The winning team can choose to take the first or second penalty kick.
- Penalty Takers: Usually, the coach or team captain selects five players from the team who are designated as penalty takers. These players are typically skilled at taking penalty kicks and are confident under pressure.
- Penalty Kick Procedure: The penalty taker places the ball on the penalty spot and awaits the referee’s signal to take the kick. The goalkeeper must remain on the goal line until the ball is struck.
- Goalkeeper’s Role: The goalkeeper’s objective is to save as many penalty kicks as possible to prevent the opposing team from scoring. They can move along the goal line but cannot step forward before the ball is struck.
- Winning the Shootout: The team that scores the most goals after all penalty kicks have been taken is declared the winner. If the score is still tied after the initial round of five penalty kicks, the shootout enters a sudden-death phase, where each team takes one penalty kick at a time until there is a winner.
- Penalties for Violations: There are strict rules that govern penalty shootouts. If a player violates the rules during their penalty kick, such as feinting or stopping in their run-up, the kick is considered invalid, and the opposing team is awarded a goal kick or a penalty kick, depending on the infraction.
- Strategies and Mind Games: Penalty shootouts involve a psychological battle between the penalty takers and the goalkeeper. Players may try to deceive the goalkeeper by changing their shooting direction or employing unexpected techniques, while goalkeepers try to anticipate the shot and make a save.
Penalty shootouts can be intense and decisive moments in football matches. They add an element of drama and pressure to determine a winner when the game cannot be settled in regular or extra time.